

The VRCade event offered a unique opportunity for university students to experience Virtual Reality (VR) technology. With a focus on both practical …


Octwave is an exciting event organised by the University of Moratuwa IEEE IAS student branch, focused on inspiring and empowering young enthusiasts …


Design Thinking involves problem-solving by gaining insights into people’s needs, devising imaginative solutions, and refining them through testing and enhancement. Innovations encompass …

Industrial Robotics

The IEEE Industry Applications Society, University of Moratuwa, focuses on the advancements of the theory and practice of electrical and electronic engineering …

Introduction to the Arduino 2.0

This focuses on the advancements of the theory and practice of electrical and electronic engineering for the benefit of humanity. IEEE, University …

“Gammeddata IEEE API” is an initiative by the IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter of University of Moratuwa in collaboration with IEEE IAS …