
There is nothing in the world that surpasses the power of teamwork and friendship. Bearing that in mind, the IEEE IAS SBC …

A Guest Lecture on Essentials of Cyber Security was organized by IEEE IAS Student Branch Chapter, University of Moratuwa. The session was …

26th December was a much-awaited date for Electrical Engineering undergraduates of University of Moratuwa. Many enthusiastic students were eagerly waiting to participate …

Handover Ceremony

Ending another term of excellence, IEEE Industry Applications Society, Student Branch of the University of Moratuwa organized “Handover Ceremony” on 15th August …

PCB Printing Workshop

The previous session by IEEE IAS SBC of University of Moratuwa on PCB design was successful in familiarizing the engineering undergraduates on …

PCB Design Workshop

The PCB (Printed Circuit Board) is something that Electronic and Electrical Engineering undergraduates constantly deal with in their undergraduate careers. Whether it …