“Gammeddata IEEE API” is an initiative by the IEEE PES Student Branch Chapter of University of Moratuwa in collaboration with IEEE IAS Student Branch Chapter, IEEE IES Student Branch Chapter and IEEE RAS Student Branch Chapter. Improving the knowledge about robotics and giving a helping hand to students who are willing to learn about them from grade 6 to A/L is the main aim of this event.
This year, this was held successfully on the 26th, 27th of March and 2nd, 3rd of April for the 3rd consecutive time. This time it was a four-day workshop series in both Sinhala and Tamil languages with the participation of students from all over the country. There were more than 7000 registrations and among them, more than 5000 students participated in the workshop. The participants gained valuable knowledge on python programming, Arduino programming, DIY projects and IOT projects through this workshop series. Circuit Breakers Robotics provided resource persons to successfully conduct this event.