Ending another term of excellence, IEEE Industry Applications Society, Student Branch of the University of Moratuwa organized “Handover Ceremony” on 15th August 2020 via Zoom platform. The new executive committee for the term 2020/21 was welcome and all the chairpersons for the term 2019/20, were appreciated for their immense contribution towards lifting the IAS student branch chapter to higher heights. The annual report summary was presented by the former secretary Ms Pasadie Hiranya. She mentioned all the successful projects that were organized by IAS SBC in the past term. She briefly described the two guest lectures and four workshops conducted by IAS SBC. And she especially mentioned the IAS videography team formation, which was an important milestone for the IAS SBC. The guest speaker Eng. Tharindu Suraj enlightened the audience by sharing his achievements and experience as an IAS member. His speech was a huge inspiration to the audience who were willing to begin their IAS journey. He also educated the audience about the IEEE IAS CMD Myron Zucker Undergraduate Design Contest, IEEE IAS CMD Humanitarian Contest and IEEE IAS CMD Robotics Contest and about all the other valuable opportunities they could have by joining IEEE IAS.
The former president of IEEE IAS SBC, Mr Vinura Udaraka appreciated all the nine co-chairpersons who committed tirelessly to lift the IAS SBC to much higher heights, in his speech. He also presented the sample certificate, which will be distributed to all the co-chairpersons in the near future in a physical event. The handover ceremony was a great success, with the participation of all the former and newly appointed committee members, all the distinguished guests and enthusiastic students who wished to begin their IAS journey.