There is nothing in the world that surpasses the power of teamwork and friendship. Bearing that in mind, the IEEE IAS SBC of University of Moratuwa, in collaboration with IEEE IAS SBC of University of Peradeniya, IEEE IAS SBC of University of Ruhuna initiated IAS Comrades, to build up comradery in the IAS fraternity in Sri Lanka.
Going beyond the scope of building fellowship, the project also operates on three other objectives; to spread awareness about IAS Competitions for undergraduates, to encourage Student Branches in Sri Lanka without IAS Chapters to initiate an IAS Chapter and to assist inactive student branch chapters to engage in new initiatives.
The IEEE IAS SBC of University of Peradeniya and IEEE IAS SBC of University of Ruhuna joined hands with us for the third phase of this exciting new initiative, and the event was held on 14th March 2021, 7p.m. via zoom platform.
Mr. M.K.Dilan – Chairman of IEEE IAS Sri Lanka Chapter, Mr. Tharindu Suraj, Research Engineer at University of Moratuwa and Contest Winner of Myron Zucker Undergraduate Student Design Contest 2018 and IAS CMD Student Robotics Demonstration Contest in 2019, were guest speakers for this event. Mr. M.K.Dilan obliged on stage and gave a vivid description of what IAS was and the benefits of joining IAS. Being an eloquent speaker, he described his own personal experiences and how IEEE and IAS served to change his life.
Afterwards, the proceedings were handed over to Mr. Tharindu Suraj, who described the scopes of IAS CMD Annual Contests followed by some tips and guidelines to write an effective report targeting the competitions. With his experience at IAS Contests, he was the ideal person to inspire and guide the budding engineers.