IEEE-IAS CMD Competitions are the best chance to gain global recognition for enthusiasts pursuing opportunities on their engineering projects.
As an awareness session on the series of IAS CMD competitions organized by IEEE IAS Student Branch Chapter of University of Moratuwa in collaboration with IEEE IAS Student Branch Chapters of University of Peradeniya and University of Ruhuna, The IEEE IAS Comrades Phase 4.0 was held on 19th February 2022 from 5.00 p.m. to 6.30 p.m. through Zoom online platform with the aims of building fellowship among IAS SBCs in Sri Lanka, encouraging IEEE Student Branches without IAS chapters to initiate new IAS chapters ,and to assist inactive student branch chapters to engage in new initiatives.
The event was a great inspiration for all the initiates with the proficient knowledge of Eng. Tharindu Suraj, the Winner of the IEEE IAS International Contest 2018/19, the CEO- SRQ Robotics, and the Director of BionicB Academy and Eng. Mithushan Jalangan, the Industry Coordinator of IEEE IAS Sri Lanka Chapter.