“ගම්මැද්දට IEEE අපි” gladly conducted the 2nd phase at the end of March 2021. Due to the covid pandemic, we have decided to conduct the program online via the zoom platform as workshops on two days instead of working physically, which helps to expand the scope by covering all districts in Sri Lanka. Sessions are conducted in both Sinhala and Tamil languages with the help of Sinhala and Tamil volunteers via two different zoom links. Every student can refine their knowledge about Robotics and Arduino and can get the maximum outcome from this valuable session.
Technology is rapidly evolving day by day. Hence, the children, the leaders of tomorrow, must be equipped with knowledge and skills on these technologies for them to make their own contribution to the world. For this, the background of the children, whether they are from a village or a town, whether rich or poor, must not stand as a barrier. The project IEEE for the Countryside (ගම්මැද්දට IEEE අපි) is a collaborative effort of IEEE PES, IAS and RAS Student Branch Chapters of University of Moratuwa hand in hand with IEEE Student Branch University of Moratuwa with the hope of lending a helping hand to aspiring school students from areas far away from the capital of the country.
Over 100 IEEE undergraduate members of the University of Moratuwa extended their support at the session. A digital handout on Arduino, designed by the volunteers themselves, was distributed among the students and teachers. It was evident that they found it interesting and valuable. It is noteworthy that some students who were there in the audience have never used a computer before due to the lack of facilities in their homes. Hence, it is undeniable that the program was able to make a profound impact and provide a source of inspiration to all students to spread their wings and emerge stronger despite their backgrounds.