We live in an era where data and communication are taking a prominent place. The internet has the ability to connect millions of people together in a fraction of seconds. In the near future, the “Internet of Things” will transform the lifestyle of every person by connecting every object around them, somehow or the other, to the internet.
To facilitate such a transformation, it is important that future engineers are equipped with this trending technology. Hence, to provide the undergraduates of University of Moratuwa with an insight into IoT, the IEEE IAS Student Branch Chapter of University of Moratuwa organized the “Internet of Things Workshop”, marking the second milestone in the series of workshops in store for this year. The session was held on 14th of November 2019 at University of Moratuwa with the participation of over 100 undergraduates.
The session was conducted by Mr. Sanjeewa Darshana and Mr. Pasan Premarathne, who are currently serving as Assistant Network Managers at Center for IT Services, University of Moratuwa. Along with several theoretical aspects of IoT, the enthusiastic participants also got the opportunity to get hands-on experience on CISCO Packet Tracer simulations, which was undoubtedly the glimmering highlight of the event.
The IEEE IAS SBC of University of Moratuwa is deeply indebted to the experienced facilitators as well as to everyone who contributed towards the massive success of the workshop.