IEEE Industry Applications Society will be a world leader in the advancement of science and technology linking theory and practice in the application of electrical and electronic systems for the benefit of humanity. Volunteering experience in IAS improves the knowledge and skills to serve the community through the technology as engineers on the way to gaining a great experience for the future professional life by organizing various events. IAS Student Branch Chapter of University of Moratuwa had organized an awareness session about IAS on 26th September 2021 at 6.00 PM via zoom.
The session was conducted by Dr. Rasara Samarasinghe who is a Senior Lecturer in Department of EE/Chair,IEEE WIE Sri Lanka Section/Treasurer,IEEE PES Sri Lanka Chapter & Mr. Lakshitha Gunasekara who is a Senior Software Engineer in WSO2 and also the chairman of IAS Sri Lanka section chapter for the year 2019/20. More than 45 participants have joined to inspire as a Volunteer on that day.